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Welcome To Past Inns And Pubs .
Below is a list of the pubs which no longer in existence and what
has been found out about them.
The Antelopes Head Cross Street.
In 1768 there was a message known by the sign of the Antelopes Head with a stables,
garden and appurtenances situated in Cross Street. In the possession of Robert Pointer, Victualler and then of Rawlings, Butcher
Barn and Barrel Berrington Road.
This was closed in 1906 by the magistrates and is now known as the Oak House. The reason for closure was that it was not needed for the requirements of the district. As a beer house it was not very old but was noted far and wide as the old cider house. There was an advertisement in 1907 for the last remnants of the Barn and Barrel 'Sale of brewing plant and cider making plant. To be sold at auction on 7th March 1907'.
It is likely that the Yapp family ran the cider business in the 19th century
as well as running a carrier business. They ran carts to Worcester, Ludlow and Stourport. James Yapp was a farmer/carrier in 1828 followed by his eldest son James Yapp and his third son was a farmer/cider retailer in 1873.
The Barley Mow.
In 1871 there was a transfer of mortgages of two dwelling houses with front and back shops near the Butter Cross formerly used as a public house known as the Barley Mow
The Bay Horse Teme Street This is now 8 Teme St. It ran as a Inn from about 1822 to 1861 and was run by Robert Robinson. He was 60 in 1841 and his widow Sophia, was running the Inn in 1851 aged 70. It was probably used as an Inn before these dates but seems to have had different names
The Bell Market Street.
This is now 19 Market Street and the yard at the rear is often referred to as Bell Yard. It was an Inn at least from 1820 to 1910. It seems to have been renamed The Old Bell in 1850 as a New Bell Inn opened in Church Street
The Black Cross Church Street ( now Abbeyfields )
This was active in the 19th century as the following show. 1832 - Tenbury Friendly Society was formed and met in the Lodge adjoining the
Black Cross Inn. 1874 - Court Leet and Court Baron for the Mayor of Tenbury and Berrington were held in the Cross Inn. Mr. Davis was steward and the jury were parishioners of Tenbury.
 The Blue Boar Corner of Berrington Rd. and Cross St.
There is a letter dated 1687 when Mr. Rowberry of Ludlow, the owner of Pembroke House, arranged to meet people from Pembroke College, Oxford at the Blue Boar to arrange the sale of Pembroke House and adjoining farmlands. The landlord
was then a Mr. Richards. 1733- Thomas Blakeway of the Blue Boar desired leave of Wm Read, Vicar, to allow him to make a ditch in the Churchyard between the igeon House and the Teme.
The CageFronting Market Square
Benjamin Goodhall arrived in Tenbury on a bicycle, founded a grocery business
in 1849 and bought the Cage and opened it up as a Public House. The first licensee was Ben Goodhall followed by his son Harold, and then his daughter-in-law, Anne, who retired in 1917.
The sales literature states " An old established house, The Cage has been carried on by the Goodhall family for the last 50 years. The property is free and fully licensed ( 6 days ) and a first class business has always been done at this house, which has the advantage of being situated in one of the busiest parts of the town, with a frontage to The Square and opposite the Produce Market and Stalls. In addition to a good bar and smoke room trade, there has also been carried on the business of wine and spirit merchant. Well separated from the
business part of the house are the private rooms which are extensive and lend themselves for the adaption of the property to a commercial Hotel ". Continue to page 2.>>