Tenbury Well page 5

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The town has an asset which might be far more developed than it has been, a spring of saline waters, highly recommended by doctors for heart trouble and rheumatism. Though a pump room and bath exist, they have been closed by the owner. A man of money and enterprise, it is probable, might make Tenbury another Cheltenham, Droitwich. Meanwhile it remains a little quiet market town in the midst of its orchards'

Southern End Of Cross Street

Mount Lodge at the end of Bromyard Road

A reminder of the southern end of Cross Street when it was little more than a country lane. The timbered building on the left is sixteenth - century Pembroke House, a former farmhouse which became an inn. It still exists as possibly the oldest public house in Tenbury

A closer view of Mount Lodge, or Mount Cottage, seen in the background of the picture on the left. On the corner of the road to Bromyard, it was originally the lodge to the house called The Mount, and possibly once served as a tollhouse.
A closer view of the Pembroke
The Old School Bromyard Road

After its use as a farmhouse, Pembroke House became a cider house selling particularly potent rough cider made in Tenbury. In the 1930s its preference switched to beer and it changed its role to that of a more conventional public house.

The National School, 1905, in the Bromyard Road. this was built in 1855 by the architect, James Cranston, who was responsible for the Round Market, the Corn Exchange, and the Pump Rooms. The boys had their playground on the left and the girls on the right; the new extension is on the left.

Crow Hotel  at the top end of Teme Street

The Bridge Over The Kyre Brook with the Crow hotel on the left

The Crow Hotel is another of Tenbury's seventeenth- century hostelries. Once boasting extensive stabling, it was considerably altered by the Victorians

A turn-of-the century view of the bridge over the little Kyre Brook, with part of the Crow Hotel on the left. Through the trees in the background can be glimpsed the Pump Room which was built in 1862 following the discovery of mineral springs in 1839.

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